Fluency, Originality, Flexibility, and Elaboration

Fluency, Originality, Flexibility, and Elaboration

Fluency, Originality, Flexibility, and Elaboration (FOFE) is a strong thinking strategy that is part of the 9 CCT strategies we will focus on throughout the year. The past few weeks, students had the opportunity to work with Mrs. Keninitz learning about this thinking strategy! When thinking of a new idea or how to solve a problem, the students follow these four steps:

  1. Fluency - Listing as many ideas as they can, even if they don't think they'll be ideas they will use in their final product.

  2. Originality - From their fluent thinking, they will then think about how they can make their idea unique.

  3. Flexibility - Students then stretch their thinking to consider other perspectives.

  4. Elaboration - Finally students pick their best idea and add details and parts to make their final product!

Linked below are FOFE activities that your child can complete at home.

If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Keninitz at @email

CCT PearDeck Activity

CCT PearDeck Activity