2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Complete ESSER School Funding Plans
School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-A-Glance
Graham Road Elementary School
Region 2
Lauren Badini, Principal
English Language Arts |
Goal: 70% of students in Kindergarten meeting spring benchmark as measured by the PALS assessment 70% of students in grades 1-3 will demonstrate expected screener within-year growth in reading based on the iReady assessment 70% of students in grades 3-6 will pass the Spring Reading SOL assessment (unadjusted) |
Strategy 1 Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. |
Strategy 2 Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. |
Strategy 3 Increase intentional use of scaffolds, supports and extensions in whole group settings (word recognition, language comprehension and writing). |
Mathematics |
Goal: 70% of students in grades Pre-K/K meeting spring benchmark as measured by the EMAS assessment 70% of students in grades 1-6 meeting spring benchmark as measured by the iReady assessment 70% of students in grades 3-6 will pass the Spring Reading SOL assessment (unadjusted) |
Strategy 1 Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction. |
Strategy 2 Increase teachers implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare. |
Strategy 3 Schedule ESOL teacher push-in ELD instruction during math instructional time. |
Chronic Absenteeism |
Goal: By the end of the 2023-24 school year, we will reduce our school’s chronic absenteeism rate to below 15% (no more than 55 students will miss 18 or more days of school) or less students classified as chronically absent) as evidenced by our school’s chronic absenteeism data. |
Strategy 1 Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support. |
Strategy 2 Increase opportunities for personalized early attendance outreach. |
Strategy 3 Understand root causes of student absenteeism. Strengthen programmatic responses to attendance barriers. |
For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.