
Graham Road’s Math program is aligned with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOLs) which were updated in Fall of 2023. These standards and goals provide students with the opportunity to develop the mathematical understandings needed to pursue higher education and to compete in a global, technology-intensive society. These goals include: becoming mathematical problem solvers, communicating mathematically, reasoning mathematically, and making mathematical connections (FCPS).

At GRES, we utilize the FCPS Engaging and Student-Centered framework for mathematics instruction which includes building a math community through sense-making routines. We believe that all students should have a range of strategies and approaches from which to choose in solving problems, including, but not limited to, general methods, standard algorithms, and procedures (NCTM, 2014). Teachers use multiple strategies and structures to meet the needs of all students. This includes whole group and small group instruction. Instructional resources we utilize include Math Recovery resources (AVMR and Ready, Set Math) as well as Building Fact Fluency, Number Talks, ST Math, and more.