Title I Family Compact

Purpose of this Policy and Compact
Efforts will be made to clearly articulate the school’s intentions to engage with and involve parents/caregivers in the educational process.
Efforts will be made to clearly articulate the school’s intentions to engage with and involve parents/caregivers in the educational process.
Graham Road Elementary is a Title I school within Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) and utilizes the Title I grant to improve student achievement and help all students meet the objectives of the FCPS Program of Studies and the Virginia Standards of Learning. A partnership with families is essential to meeting this goal.
Under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, schools that receive Title I funds are expected to collaborate with families to develop and maintain a parent and family engagement policy that describes the school’s approach to involve families in students’ learning and includes a compact expressing the partnerships among staff, caregivers, and students to reach high academic goals for every student.
Graham Road Elementary jointly developed this policy and compact with members of the school community and adopted it for the 2024-2025 school year. Several of the provisions specifically address state or federal expectations for the policy and compact.
This policy and compact is distributed to all caregivers in a language that families can understand. Caregivers have opportunities to provide comments and feedback on the policy and compact through digital forms, annual meetings and 1:1 interactions with school staff. Comments are submitted with the school’s policy and compact to FCPS central offices and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). This policy and compact are made available to the broader school community through the school website.
Important Dates
Welcome Walk - August 14, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Open House - August 17, 2023, 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Back to School Night - September 25, 2025, 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Quarter 1 Parent Teacher Conferences - November 4, 2024 and ongoing.
Fall Festival - Sunday, November 17, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Curriculum Night - February 5, 2025, 6:00 - 7:30 PM
March or April
Heritage Night - Date TBD in March or April, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Staff vs. Student Basketball Game - Thursday, April 3, 2025 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Building Capacity for EngagementEfforts will be made to ensure parents/caregivers are actively involved in the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the school’s Title I program, including the following: - Share Your Thoughts: We want to hear from you! Parents and caregivers can share ideas and opinions through online forms or by talking to us one-on-one.
- Help Us Plan: Your input is essential when we make important plans for our school. We'll ask for parents and caregivers thoughts on things like how to improve the school and how to use funding for family engagement activities.
- Tell Us What You Think: If there's something you're not happy with, please tell us. We have different ways for you to share your concerns, and we'll work to fix any problems.
- Join School Events: Parents and caregivers are invited to join us at school events like meetings, celebrations, and sports. Your involvement makes these events better and more enjoyable for everyone.
- Volunteer Your Time: We appreciate any help you can give, whether it's in the classroom, during lunchtime, or at school events. Your time and support make a big difference.
- Evaluate Our Progress: We'll ask you to give feedback on how we're doing. Parents’ and caregivers' insights help us understand what's working and what we can improve to make our school a great place for learning.
Effective Communication with ParentsEfforts will be made to ensure parents/caregivers receive meaningful communication in a timely manner, including the following: - Different Ways to Connect: We use various methods like phone calls, texts, emails, and online platforms to talk to parents and caregivers. This way, everyone can stay connected in a way that works for them.
- Important Yearly Meeting: We invite parents and caregivers to a meeting every year, this year it will be held on October 20, 2023. In this meeting, we share info about school services and explain parents/caregivers' rights to be involved.
- Sharing Student Progress: Parents/caregivers get updates on how their child is doing in school. We have events like Back to School Night and meetings with teachers. These help parents understand how their child is doing and how they can help them do better.
- Talk to Teachers: Parents/caregivers can have one-on-one meetings with teachers. This helps parents/caregivers know what the school expects from students and how they can support their child's learning.
- See Your Child's Work: Parents/caregivers can check their child's assignments and see their progress. We share pictures of their work and have conversations during meetings. This way, parents can see how their child is doing in school.
- Report Cards and Conferences: Parents/caregivers get report cards every few months. These reports show what their child is good at and where they can improve.
Shared Responsibilities for High Academic AchievementEfforts will be made to ensure parents/caregivers receive materials, training, and benefits from school partnerships with social and academic services, community organizations, businesses, including the following: - Empowering Workshops: We host workshops that connect parents/caregivers with essential tools and resources, focusing on topics like promoting healthy habits and overall well-being.
- Engaging Family Learning: Families are invited to school events like conferences, curriculum nights, and digital resources sessions. Here, our dedicated staff share insights into the school's academic, behavioral, and social programs, ensuring families are well-informed partners in their child's education.
- Interactive Family Learning Events: We organize events where parents learn practical strategies to support their child’s learning at home. These events encourage hands-on activities such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing exercises, fostering a supportive learning environment.
- Accessible Digital Resources: Parents/caregivers have continuous access to school resources, including updates on our website and digital materials shared by teachers. This ensures that valuable learning tools are just a click away.
- Mentorship Support: Our Mentor Works program provides students with mentors, fostering positive relationships and encouraging personal growth.
- Community Donations and Support: We facilitate opportunities for families to donate and access essential supplies like clothing and food resources, ensuring that every child's basic needs are met.
- Local Partnerships: We collaborate with local businesses, churches, and nonprofits, enriching our school programs and events. These partnerships enhance the overall learning experience for our students.
- Resource Access Support: We assist parents in accessing vital county and community resources, such as food assistance, parenting classes, and holiday support, ensuring that families have the support they need beyond the school walls.
- Targeted Outreach and Training: Tailored outreach and training sessions are provided to specific families, focusing on topics like healthy habits and effective parenting, ensuring that every family has access to the support they require.
Welcoming All FamiliesEfforts will be made to ensure that all parents/caregivers are welcomed and provided opportunities to actively engage within the school, including the following: - Culturally Inclusive Atmosphere: We foster a warm and inclusive environment by communicating in families' home languages, both in print and verbally. We provide access to interpreters, ensuring parents can communicate and stay informed comfortably in their native language. Our consistent willingness to collaborate with families is at the heart of our approach.
- Language Support for Meetings and Workshops: Interpretation services are readily available for parent-teacher conferences, workshops, and meetings. This ensures that language barriers do not hinder parents' participation and understanding.
- Accessible Communication: We translate and provide interpretation for all school documents and communication. This ensures that information is accessible in the caregiver’s preferred language and is also available in formats suitable for those with vision or hearing impairments. Every family can stay informed, regardless of their communication needs.
- Flexible Informational Sessions: We expand access to informational meetings and learning sessions by offering them at various times and in formats that are convenient and accessible to parents. This flexibility ensures that all parents can actively participate and engage in school activities.
Compact Provisions School staff, parents/caregivers, and students must work together to ensure student success. The staff will: - Provide a high-quality curriculum and instruction that enables students to meet challenging academic standard through the following actions:
- Teach all students according to the state’s challenging standards, using approved curriculum
- Provide ongoing professional development and support to all teachers to ensure effective instructional practices are used in all classrooms.
- Provide a supportive and effective learning environment for students through the following actions:
- Provide clear expectations for student behavior and academic learning.
- Offer a variety of resources to help students with their learning.
- Provide assistance to caregivers in understanding the school’s program through the following actions:
- Hold an annual meeting to present information on the school’s Title I programs, state and division curriculum and assessments, and the school’s state and federal accountability status.
- Provide multiple opportunities for caregivers to ask questions and give input in the Title I program(s)
- Build caregivers’ involvement in the school’s Title I program through the following actions:
- Include caregivers as members of the School Improvement and Innovation Planning (SIIP) Committee and as collaborators in developing the SIIP and plans for the use of Title I family engagement funds.
The parents/caregivers will: - Demonstrate understanding that participation in my child’s education will help his or her achievement through the following actions:
- Participate in decisions related to school programs and my child’s education and share my questions or comments about the programs in my child’s school.
- Volunteer in my child’s classroom or in school activities, as my schedule allows.
- Encourage and support my child’s learning at home and at school.
The student will: - Share the responsibility to improve my academic learning to achieve the state’s challenging standards through the following’s actions:
- Get enough sleep every night.
- Come to school on time unless I am sick.
- Try my hardest and work with my classmates to complete learning tasks.
- Give my parents all notes and papers from my teacher.