2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-A-Glance

  • 2024-2025
  • Graham Road Elementary School
  • Region 2
  • Lauren Badini, Principal 
Reading by 3rd Grade


By Spring of 2025, 70% of multi-lingual learners in grades K-3 will meet the spring benchmark on the VALLS assessment. 

By spring of 2025, 75% of multi-lingual learners in grades 3-6 will demonstrate proficiency on the reading SOL assessment (unadjusted).

By spring of 2025, 70% of multi-lingual learners in grades 4-6 will improve grade level placement on the iReady domains of vocabulary and comprehension. 

Strategy 1

Improve integrity of implementation of new core curriculum, English Language Development program, and/or intervention programs by using FCPS-adopted resources with fidelity.

Strategy 2

Leverage use of daily, explicit language comprehension lessons from the new core curriculum for building knowledge and vocabulary.

Strategy 3

Use embedded formative assessments in the new core curriculum to guide tier 1 and tier 2 instructional decisions.

Strategy 4

Increase use of data to plan Tier 3 instruction and monitor progress during Tier 3 intervention to ensure that students identified as demonstrating risk (through EIRI or MTSS) master foundational skills and receive intervention targeted to their needs.

Elementary School Math 


By Spring of 2025, 70% of multi-lingual learners in Kindergarten will meet the Spring benchmark as measured by the EMAS assessment.

By Spring of 2025, 70% of multi-lingual learners in grades 3-6 will pass the Spring Math SOL assessment (unadjusted).

By Spring of 2025, 70% of students in grades 1-6 will improve grade level placement in Math (iReady).

By Spring of 2025, students in grades 1-6 will demonstrate growth on the iReady domains of Numbers and Operations.

Strategy 1

Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.

Strategy 2

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 3

Increase use of data to plan Tier 3 instruction and monitor progress during Tier 3 intervention to ensure that students demonstrating risk master foundational skills.

Strategy 4

Increase opportunities to build oral language and vocabulary knowledge within all interdisciplinary subjects (ELA, math, social studies, science, music, art, PE and media).

Chronic Absenteeism


By the end of the 24-25 SY, we will reduce our school's chronic absenteeism rate from 11% to 9% or less students classified as chronically absent, as evidenced by our schools chronic absenteeism data.

Strategy 1

MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.

Strategy 2

Schools will share multilingual attendance materials with families throughout the year to educate families regarding the importance of attendance for school success.



Grade 5 Science unadjusted pass rate will increase from 32% to 70% (unadjusted) in the 24-25 SY as measured by the EOY Standards of Learning Science Assessment.

Strategy 1

Increase student access to high quality science instruction through sufficient time on the master schedule and use of up-to-date FCPS curriculum.

Strategy 2

Increase content and/or pedagogy knowledge in science for all teachers (advanced, general, ESOL, special education).

Strategy 3

Increase opportunities to build oral language and vocabulary knowledge within all interdisciplinary subjects (ELA, math, social studies, science, music, art, PE and media).

For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.